Thursday, November 1, 2012

Why pure functional programming is more difficult than imperative programming.

In this article, the author asks why functional programming isn't more widespread.

I am using functional programming, but in imperative languages. I do not use pure functional programming, because it makes my life more difficult than it ought to be.

The following examples demonstrate clearly my position (in pseudo Java-syntax, to maximize readability).

1) in immutable code, you cannot have mutual pointers. A fine example is parent-child pointers in trees. In imperative languages, it is very simple:

class Node {
    Node parent;
    List<Node> children;
    int data;

void addChild(Node child) {
    child.parent = this;

void printTree(Node node) {
    for(Node child : node.children) {

In pure languages, one has to keep the parent-child relationships in a secondary structure, which is recreated each time it is altered:

class Node {
    int data;

class Tree {
    HashMap<Node, Node> parent_to_child;
    HashMap<Node, Node> child_to_parent;

Tree addChild(Node parent, Node child) {
    return new Tree(
       parent_to_child.add(parent, child),
       child_to_parent.add(child, parent));

void printTree(Tree tree, Node node) {
    tree.parent_to_children.filter(node, void (Node child) {

2) in pure languages, global context must passed around and copied according to what part is changed. For example, in a simple game, the imperative code is:

int score = 0;
Sprite player, playerBullet;
List<Sprite> enemies;

void updatePlayerBullet() {
    for(Sprite enemy : enemies) {
        if (collision(enemy, playerBullet)) {
            score += 100;

In pure code, the above becomes more complex; the whole game structure must be passed to functions and copied accordingly:

class Game {
    int score = 0;
    Sprite player, playerBullet;
    List<Sprite> enemies;

Game updatePlayerBullet(Game game) {
    return updatePlayerBullet(game, head(enemies), tail(enemies));

Game updatePlayerBullet(Game game, Sprite enemy, List<Sprite> enemies) {
    if (enemy == null)
        return game;
    else if (collision(enemy, game.playerBullet))
        return new Game(
            score + 100, 
            remove(game.enemies, enemy));
       return updatePlayerBullet(
3) now, let's try to combine the above. Suppose that enemies are trees of sprites, allowing us to destroy part of an enemy with a bullet. The imperative code is straightforward:

class SpriteTree {
    Sprite sprite; 
    SpriteTree parent;
    List<SpriteTree> children;

int score = 0;
Sprite player, playerBullet;
List<SpriteTree> enemies;

void updatePlayerBullet() {
    for(SpriteTree enemy : enemies) {
        SpriteTree target = collision(enemy, playerBullet); 
        if (target != null) {
            if (target.parent == null)
            score += 100;

SpriteTree collision(SpriteTree enemy, Sprite playerBullet) {
    for(SpriteTree child : enemy.children) {
        SpriteTree result = collision(child, playerBullet);
        if (result) return result;
    return collision(enemy.sprite, playerBullet) ? enemy : null;

The pure code becomes is much more difficult to write:

class SpriteTree {
    HashMap<Sprite, List<Sprite>> parent_to_children;
    HashMap<Sprite, Sprite> child_to_parent;

class Game {
    int score = 0;
    Sprite player, playerBullet;
    List<Sprite> enemies;
    SpriteTree enemyTree;

Game updatePlayerBullet(Game game) {
    return updatePlayerBullet(
        game, head(enemies), tail(enemies));

Game updatePlayerBullet(Game game, Sprite enemy, List<Sprite> enemies) {
    if (enemy == null) return game;
    Sprite target = collision(
        enemy, game.enemyTree, game.playerBullet);
    if (target == null) return
        updatePlayerBullet(game, head(enemies), tail(enemies));
    Sprite parent = getValue(game.enemyTree, target);
    int newScore = score + 100;
    List<Sprite> newEnemyList = 
        parent != null ? 
        game.enemies : 
        remove(game.enemies, enemy);
    SpriteTree newEnemyTree = 
        parent != null ? 
        remove(game.enemyTree, parent, child) :    
    return new Game(

Sprite collision(Sprite enemy, 
                 SpriteTree enemyTree, 
                 Sprite playerBullet)
    List<Sprite> children = getValue(enemyTree, enemy); 
    if (children != null) {
        Sprite childEnemySprite = collision(
        if (childEnemySprite != null) 
            return childEnemySprite;
    return collision(enemy.sprite, playerBullet) ? 
        enemy : 

Sprite collision(Sprite enemy, 
                 List<Sprite> enemies, 
                 SpriteTree enemyTree, 
                 Sprite playerBullet)
    if (enemy == null) return null;
    Sprite result = 
        collision(enemy, enemyTree, playerBullet);
        result != null ? 
        result : 

As you can see, the pure code spans many more lines of code than the imperative code; it's also more complex than the imperative code: the structures required to support the operations must be passed around all functions, even if not used by that specific function.

Now multiply the complexity of the state by one million (easily modern applications have a million times more state than this example), and you can see why people don't program in pure functional languages: a complex and hugely stateful program may become such a pure functional puzzle that no one could even begin to solve it.


  1. Have you actually tested the imperative version of the code? I see the "enemies" collection is both traversed and modified at the same time, and I had some unpleasant surprises in the past, when doing that - like, some elements being skipped, or others iterated over twice, or some unexpected exceptions. It probably depends on the exact implementation of the iterator, or something. That is the issue with imperative programming - you never know what you break by reassigning things.

    I'll try to reimplement the entire thing in a purely functional manner once I have some time. I have a feeling it might have been done better.

    1. Ahh, I see you are breaking the loop immediately after removing the element, so it should be OK.

      This is yet another issue with imperative code - you never know if somebody put a control flow statement in the middle of a method, so you always have to read the entire method to understand it.

    2. You are right. It is quite difficult to follow the control flow on imperative code.

      However, my blog post here does not say that pure functional programming does not have benefits. It says that it is difficult for the human mind to scale to the required level in order to make everything pure.

      As I say in the conclusion, the more state a program has, the more difficult it is to make it pure, and the difficulty seems to rise with exponential rate.

      I don't have hard data to back up my assertion, it's only intuition, coming from experience.

  2. I admit, I have a hard time reasoning through non-trivial problems with functional programming. But then, I've been doing procedural and object-oriented programming for over 15 years, 10 as a paid professional, and I've only been doing functional programming as a hobbyist in my spare time. Maybe a few years as a full time functional programmer would make a difference.

    But in your example, I don't see why your Sprites need mutual pointers. The problem is comparatively easy to work with in functional terms if you have a "one-way" relationship, the parent knows who its children are, and that's it. As long as you keep a reference to your current top level parent, you can get to the children you need.

    As far as languages that support both imperative and functional styles, Clojure and Scala get a lot of attention but I also like some of the things in the language D. In D, there is the modifier "pure". A function with "pure" in front is guaranteed not to affect any global state or do any I/O, but it can use mutable variables internally. D also has the keyword "immutable", and immutable variables are transitively unable to be modified (as opposed to Java's "final" or C++'s "const", which only protects the top level reference/pointer from changes).

  3. The case of mutual pointers exist in many problems. For example, in the current game I work, the resource tree is huge, and many levels deep. Sure, you can traverse any tree from its roots, but it is a waste of resources and increases complexity, both for the computer and the programmer.

    I also like D's idea of the 'pure' attribute. In fact, I've been proposing it for languages for a long time now, before D. But I am a lowly programmer, my voice goes unheard :-).

  4. I suggest you spend some time learning how to program in a purely functional style _before_ trying to discredit it.
